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Jim Brown Autopsy: How did Legendry Football Player Dἰe?

Jim Brown

Jim Brown

Jim Brown, a fullback for the Cleveland Browns who was hailed as one of the greatest players in professional football history and who later had his name tarnished by aIIegations of vἰolence against women pἀssed away Thursday, May 18, 2023 night at his Los Angeles home.

He was also a Hollywood action hero and a civil rights activist. His family confirmed his pἀssing on Instagram on Friday, May 19, 2023.

Upon hearing of Brown’s pἀssing tributes came in from all corners of the NFL and the sports world.

NBA star LeBron James said:

“I hope every Black athlete takes the time to educate themselves about this incredible man and what he did to change all of our lives, We all stand on your shoulders Jim Brown. If you grew up in Northeast Ohio and were Black, Jim Brown was a God.”

Jim Brown’s autopsy report and his cause of deἀth are unknown yet. When we get the latest update we will share it with you.

Check out the following posts if you’re interested in reading about other people’s autopsy reports:

One of the first big names in professional football, Brown was a wrecking ball when playing for the Cleveland Browns, where he led the league in running for eight of his nine seasons. He played in 118 straight games without missing one before retiring in 1965, the year he was selected Most Valuable Player.

Brown was a strong runner with speed and stamina and his entry spurred the game’s exploding popularity on television. Long after his playing days were over, Brown remained an unstoppable figure. In addition, Brown fought for equality by using his platform and voice.

Jim Brown

He was an advocate for Black Americans. Lew Alcindor, better known as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Bill Russell were among the best Black athletes in the country present at “The Cleveland Summit” which Brown arranged in June 1967 to support Muhammad Ali’s campaign against going to Vietnam.

He later fought to reduce gang vἰolence in LA and established Amer-I-Can in 1988 as a program to aid ex-offenders and underprivileged inner-city youngsters.

We consistently covered the most recent information regarding deἀths, causes of deἀth, autopsy results, obituaries and other details about the deceἀsed. You can follow our Twitter account and read our most recent updates.

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