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Pope Francis to be Hospitalized Because of Infections in Respiratory System

Pope Francis, 86 facing health problems and will be hospitalized for some days. He has infections in his respiratory system, which was confirmed by the Vatican on Wednesday, 30 March. 

“In recent days Pope Francis complained of some respiratory difficulties and this afternoon he went to Policlinico A. Gemelli for some medical checks,” Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said when he was admitted to Rome hospital.

“The outcome of these [tests] showed a respiratory infection (excluding Covid-19 infection) that will require a few days of appropriate hospital medical therapy.” (according to CNN)

“Pope Francis is touched by the many messages received and expresses his gratitude for the closeness and prayer,” Bruni added. When he attends the St. Peter Square audience, admitted to a hospital and go through some test, which was already planned according to the Vatican. 

If you are curious to know other popes, check out our below posts:

“The Holy Father has been at Gemelli since this afternoon for some previously scheduled tests,” Bruni had said. After tests, Francis was appointed for Thursday which means,  “to make space for the continuation of tests should that be necessary.”

Pope Francis to be Hospitalized

After hearing the Pope pontiff’s condition in Rome Church stated on Thursday 29 March, “all its closeness and affection to its Bishop Pope Francis, and ensures its unceasing prayers, wishing him a speedy recovery.” 

To conscience, his heath Pope already signed his resignation letter. In the whole of Italy’s churches, bishops are praying for Francis’s health recovery.

The Presidency of the Italian Episcopal Conference said on Wednesday, “In wishing the Holy Father a speedy recovery, the Presidency entrusts to the Lord the doctors and medical staff who, with professionalism and dedication, care for him and all patients.”

The pontiff when he was young, had one lung removed because of pneumonia. After then he was seen walking with the help of a stick, or wheelchair, because of his right knee pain.  

Pope Francis to be Hospitalized

In 2022 he missed his the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan trip because he have to undergo a 20-day therapy. That’s why he scheduled his trip for February 2023. Diverticulitis is the reason for the colon infection, Pope suffered. And to remove it he went through surgery.

During an interview, someone asked him what happened if a pope no able to perform his duties because of his physical issues, then he replied, that, he had already signed his resignation letter and given it to Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. 

“I have already signed my renunciation. The Secretary of State at the time was Tarcisio Bertone. I signed it and said: ‘If I should become impaired for medical reasons or whatever, here is my renunciation,’” Francis said.

Then he said former pontiffs Paul VI and Pious XII, also did the same, they draft their resignation letters. In 600 years of history, it happened for the first time a pope stepped down. Before Francis, Gregory stepped down before his death, in 1415 to finish a civil war. When several people claimed to be the next bishop.

Check out more about Pope Francis’s health from the below tweet: 

With the hope that Francis will recover soon, we are quiet now. When we get new updates about his health we will update you soon. Stay with us on our site

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