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The 8 Best Books on Gambling and Casinos

The 8 Best Books on Gambling and Casinos

Over the years, many different books about gambling and casinos have been published. Many of these books give you a unique look at the non GamStop casinos world.

In addition, several of these reference books teach you many new techniques to increase your winning chances at certain casino games significantly. Are you also curious which books about gambling and casinos are highly recommended?

We have already selected the 7 best books about gambling and casinos for you and are happy to introduce them!

Gamblers Fight Back (Greg Elder)

The first book is called ‘Gamblers Fight Back’ by Greg Elder. The book came about after Elder himself read another book. This book tells the story of a man who traveled to the gambling capital of the world, Las Vegas, with $6,000 in savings.

Within a relatively short time, the man made a total profit of about one million dollars with this modest amount. This story has prompted Elder to do the same.

He then spent a year in Las Vegas to gamble professionally. In the book ‘Gamblers Fight Back’ he has written down all his experiences and allows the reader to discover casinos from an entirely different point of view.

Secrets of Winning Roulette (Marten Jensen)

Roulette is known for being one of the most profitable casino games on the market. According to experts, the book ‘Secrets of Winning Roulette’ is one of the best books that has been published regarding this casino game.

Initially, this book introduces you to the basics of roulette. However, this does not mean that the more advanced player cannot benefit from this book; on the contrary.

In ‘Secrets of Winning Roulette’, various advanced strategies can significantly improve your roulette game. At the time of writing, this book has already sold more than 100,000 times.

This book is therefore an absolute must for every roulette player!

The Myth of Poker Talent (Alexander Fitzgerald)

Many people dream of becoming professional poker players. At first glance, this only seems to be reserved for a few “happy few”, but in practice that is certainly not the case, as witnessed by this book called ‘The Myth of Poker Talent’.

According to the writer, there is undoubtedly no super talent required. Reading this book will help you learn different strategies and tactics you can use while playing a poker game.

Alexander’s ideas are easy to understand for everyone. This book, therefore, offers not only an attractive added value for the novice but certainly also for the more experienced poker players.

Casino Games Explained Simply (A. Southgat)

All books so far are only available in English. However, a fascinating book has also been published for people who like to take gambles. This concerns the book ‘Casino Games Made Easy’ by A. Southgate.

This book explains all the different casino games that can be found on the market. In this way, every beginner can determine which of the various casino games is most interesting.

Casino Gambling for Dummies (Kevin Blackwood)

Anyone who wants to gamble has to start somewhere. Would you also like to take your chance in an online casino? In that case, it may be interesting to get the book ‘Casino Gambling for Dummies’.

This book teaches you a lot of different things that are crucial for you as a starting player. Not only do you learn, for example, how to handle money in an online casino, but you also discover how you can keep your winning chances highest.

However, that is far from the only thing. For every novice gambler still looking for his or her way in the gambling landscape, this book is an absolute must at home.

Beat the Dealer (Edward O. Thorp)

It is by far the best reference book for people who would like to take their chance with a blackjack game. This book shows the popular blackjack casino game from a completely different perspective.

In particular, many different things are explained to take your winning chances when playing blackjack to a structurally higher level. Both novice and more experienced blackjack players will find this book a very valuable reference book.

The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King (Michael Craig)

This book is ideal for poker enthusiasts. It is an interesting book about poker for those who like to take more risks. Some stories are about famous poker players such as Andrew Beal, a well-known billionaire. The most exciting part described is the thoughts of a gambler who places a minimum of 20,000 euros per spin.

New Complete Guide to Gambling (Scarnes)

It is one of the best books for non-GamStop casino newbies. It’s the very first gambling book you should read, and it’s sort of an encyclopedia of the history of gambling and all the rules of the most popular casino games. All information is presented in a fun and funny way for easy reading.

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